ایجاد کلمه عبور در سی شارپ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
ساخت کلمه عبور در سی شارپ
در پروژه ها ممکن است نیاز داشته باشیم یک Password به صورت Random برای کاربران ایجاد کنیم. کلاسی را برای شما قرار داده ایم که به سادگی می تواند این نیاز شما را بر آورده کند.
public class RandomPassword
// Define default min and max password lengths.
private static int DEFAULT_MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8;
private static int DEFAULT_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 10;
// Define supported password characters divided into groups.
// You can add (or remove) characters to (from) these groups.
private static string PASSWORD_CHARS_LCASE = "abcdefgijkmnopqrstwxyz";
private static string PASSWORD_CHARS_NUMERIC= "23456789";
private static string PASSWORD_CHARS_SPECIAL= "*$-+?_&=!%{}/";
/// <summary>
/// Generates a random password.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// Randomly generated password.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The length of the generated password will be determined at
/// random. It will be no shorter than the minimum default and
/// no longer than maximum default.
/// </remarks>
public static string Generate()
/// <summary>
/// Generates a random password of the exact length.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="length">
/// Exact password length.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Randomly generated password.
/// </returns>
public static string Generate(int length)
return Generate(length, length);
/// <summary>
/// Generates a random password.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="minLength">
/// Minimum password length.
/// </param>
/// <param name="maxLength">
/// Maximum password length.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Randomly generated password.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The length of the generated password will be determined at
/// random and it will fall with the range determined by the
/// function parameters.
/// </remarks>
public static string Generate(int minLength,
int maxLength)
// Make sure that input parameters are valid.
if (minLength <= 0 || maxLength <= 0 || minLength > maxLength)
return null;
// Create a local array containing supported password characters
// grouped by types. You can remove character groups from this
// array, but doing so will weaken the password strength.
char[][] charGroups = new char[][]
// Use this array to track the number of unused characters in each
// character group.
int[] charsLeftInGroup = new int[charGroups.Length];
// Initially, all characters in each group are not used.
for (int i=0; i<charsLeftInGroup.Length; i++)
charsLeftInGroup[i] = charGroups[i].Length;
// Use this array to track (iterate through) unused character groups.
int[] leftGroupsOrder = new int[charGroups.Length];
// Initially, all character groups are not used.
for (int i=0; i<leftGroupsOrder.Length; i++)
leftGroupsOrder[i] = i;
// Because we cannot use the default randomizer, which is based on the
// current time (it will produce the same "random" number within a
// second), we will use a random number generator to seed the
// randomizer.
// Use a 4-byte array to fill it with random bytes and convert it then
// to an integer value.
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[4];
// Generate 4 random bytes.
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
// Convert 4 bytes into a 32-bit integer value.
int seed = BitConverter.ToInt32(randomBytes, 0);
// Now, this is real randomization.
Random random = new Random(seed);
// This array will hold password characters.
char[] password = null;
// Allocate appropriate memory for the password.
if (minLength < maxLength)
password = new char[random.Next(minLength, maxLength+1)];
password = new char[minLength];
// Index of the next character to be added to password.
int nextCharIdx;
// Index of the next character group to be processed.
int nextGroupIdx;
// Index which will be used to track not processed character groups.
int nextLeftGroupsOrderIdx;
// Index of the last non-processed character in a group.
int lastCharIdx;
// Index of the last non-processed group.
int lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx = leftGroupsOrder.Length - 1;
// Generate password characters one at a time.
for (int i=0; i<password.Length; i++)
// If only one character group remained unprocessed, process it;
// otherwise, pick a random character group from the unprocessed
// group list. To allow a special character to appear in the
// first position, increment the second parameter of the Next
// function call by one, i.e. lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx + 1.
if (lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx == 0)
nextLeftGroupsOrderIdx = 0;
nextLeftGroupsOrderIdx = random.Next(0,
// Get the actual index of the character group, from which we will
// pick the next character.
nextGroupIdx = leftGroupsOrder[nextLeftGroupsOrderIdx];
// Get the index of the last unprocessed characters in this group.
lastCharIdx = charsLeftInGroup[nextGroupIdx] - 1;
// If only one unprocessed character is left, pick it; otherwise,
// get a random character from the unused character list.
if (lastCharIdx == 0)
nextCharIdx = 0;
nextCharIdx = random.Next(0, lastCharIdx+1);
// Add this character to the password.
password[i] = charGroups[nextGroupIdx][nextCharIdx];
// If we processed the last character in this group, start over.
if (lastCharIdx == 0)
charsLeftInGroup[nextGroupIdx] =
// There are more unprocessed characters left.
// Swap processed character with the last unprocessed character
// so that we don't pick it until we process all characters in
// this group.
if (lastCharIdx != nextCharIdx)
char temp = charGroups[nextGroupIdx][lastCharIdx];
charGroups[nextGroupIdx][lastCharIdx] =
charGroups[nextGroupIdx][nextCharIdx] = temp;
// Decrement the number of unprocessed characters in
// this group.
// If we processed the last group, start all over.
if (lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx == 0)
lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx = leftGroupsOrder.Length - 1;
// There are more unprocessed groups left.
// Swap processed group with the last unprocessed group
// so that we don't pick it until we process all groups.
if (lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx != nextLeftGroupsOrderIdx)
int temp = leftGroupsOrder[lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx];
leftGroupsOrder[lastLeftGroupsOrderIdx] =
leftGroupsOrder[nextLeftGroupsOrderIdx] = temp;
// Decrement the number of unprocessed groups.
// Convert password characters into a string and return the result.
return new string(password);
متد این کلاس را می توانید به سه صورت زیر فراخوانی کنید
RandomPassword.Generate(8, 10);
در روش بالا شما طول حداقل و حداکثر کلمه عبور را مشخص کرده اید، این کار باعث خواهد شد کلمه عبوری با طول بین 8 الی 10 کاراکتر ایجاد شود.
طول کلمه عبور ایجاد شده دقیقا 10 کارکتر خواهد بود.
در این روش کلمه ی عبور تولید شده با طول پیش فرض تعریف شده در بدنه کلاس ایجاد خواهد شد. برای تغییر مقادیر پیش فرض طول کلمه عبور کافی است دو متغییر DEFAULT_MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH و DEFAULT_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH که در ابتدای کلاس تعریف شده اند را تغییر دهید. مقادیر پیش این متغییر ها به صورت زیر تعریف شده است.
// Define default min and max password lengths.
private static int DEFAULT_MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8;
private static int DEFAULT_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 10;
توابع این کلاس Static هستند و نیازی به ایجاد شی از روی کلاس ندارید.
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